System Includes

  • Digital Transmitter – 10 Acre Capacity
  • 1 Waterproof Collar Receiver
  • 500′ of 14 AWG eXtreme Dog Fence Boundary Wire with a 60 ML polyethylene coating (color may vary)
  • 50′ of 16 Gauge eXtreme Dog Fence Twisted Wire
  • 50 Training Flags
  • 2 Pairs of Contact Points (1x Small, 1x Large)
  • 2 Professional Splice Kits
  • 1 Battery for Collar Receiver
  • 10 Landscape/Yard Staples
  • Pro-Grade Dog fence surge protector
Major Credit cards
Active collar

If what you want is the best of the best, the eXtreme Dog Fence® MAX Grade Ultimate Performance system is right for you. This system gives you maximum performance and longevity. Our MAX Grade Kit features 14-gauge wire with a very hefty and durable 60ml polyethylene coating. Our MAX system is the high-end version of our other customer favorites, the eXtreme Standard and the eXtreme PRO Grade kits. You still receive all of our eXtreme dog fence components, such as our light and comfortable collar, quality surge protector and advanced digital transmitter. The MAX difference is found in the quality of the boundary wire. Frankly put, it just doesn’t get better than this. Our MAX Grade dog fence Wire is so durable and strong that you don’t even need to bury it if you don’t want to. No matter if you decide to bury the MAX wire or not, it will still last you 25+ years.

Professional Products for Home Installation of Your Dog Fence

How much wire do i need?

All our products were specially designed and manufactured with only the best materials. When you need 10 acres of coverage, a discreet dog fence, and a fool-proof installation system. Look no further than the eXtreme Dog Fence MAX-Grade System.

Every eXtreme Dog Fence is made in the USA with imported parts. You’ll be using the same grade of products as the professionals who install electric fences for a living. Without purchasing any additional equipment, you have everything you need to keep 1 dog safe on a 1/3 acre of land. We make purchasing additional boundary wire and receiver collars easy.

The eXtreme Dog Fence MAX-Grade System lets you install your dog fence exactly where you need it to be. You don’t have to deal with another company and the additional installation fees. Everything is at your discretion, and when you need help, our support team is at the ready.

Compact, Digital Transmitter Accommodates Multiple Collars

Our top-grade digital transmitter is the brain of the eXtreme Dog Fence MAX-Grade System. It runs on 7K or 4K frequency, covers up to 10 acres and includes and temperature and wire check. Although small, our transmitter is mighty. It can accommodate any number of collar receivers for households with more than one dog.

Benefits of Installing Your Own Electric Pet Fence

Besides the obvious benefit of keeping your dog safe, there are lots of practical reasons to buy a DIY electric pet fence installation kit.

  • Save Money: Hiring a professional installer can cost hundreds or thousands depending on the size of your property. By installing it yourself, you retain that extra money for your other “pet” projects.
  • Do it Right: You know your property best. Instead of attempting to have a stranger come to you to do an installation, you can do it right the first time.
  • Know How to Troubleshoot: Who best than the installer to call when there’s an issue? You are well-acquainted with where and how the pet containment system was installed. This means that you are armed with the knowledge and skill you need to deal with any troubleshooting that may occur years down the road.

Parts Designed to Keep Your Pet’s Safe

Contacts: The eXtreme Dog Fence Kit comes with extra contacts and training caps to suit your dog’s size and breed. Long-haired dogs benefit from our longer contacts. The contacts must be near the skin for the correction to be felt.

Digital Transmitter: Super compact and powerful, our digital transmitter can accommodate any number of dog collars. The transmitter should be located near an electrical outlet, but at least 3 feet away from large metal objects. This works well with our surge protector.

Surge Protector: Every kit comes with 1 power surge and lightning protector. The Extreme Dog Fence Lightning/Surge Protector is designed to provide protection for electric dog fence systems. Your fence wire will run through this unit as well as the electricity for the fence transmitter.

Waterproof “Hyper” Collar

Made in the USA with imported parts

Receiver Dimensions: 1.4″ high x 1.5″ wide x 2″long

Strap Dimensions: 3/4″ wide (fits necks from 10″ to 30″)

Contact Probe Dimensions: small = 5/8″, large = 7/8″

The “Hyper” collar is waterproof and submersible to 10 feet, with no impact on the receiver’s performance.

It includes a long set of contact probes for dogs with long neck hair, and a short set for dogs with shorter hair. A set of metal infused rubber comfort covers are included to help keep the contact probes comfortable on your dog’s neck.

The receiver weighs a mere 1.4 ounce and runs on a proprietary 7.5v battery, which lasts an average of 4 months (after the battery used during the training period).

The collar receiver has 7 correction levels (1-7) and a beep only level (0), to accommodate a wide range of dog sizes, breeds, personalities and temperaments.

Pro Grade Electric Dog Fence Review

How to program your correction level

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Questions & Answers

Question: I have 1 acre of land. How much wire do I need?

Answer: You would need to order 1,000 feet of wire with your kit, since the wire comes in 500 ft. increments. Regarding a more specific number you will end up using, you would need to take into consideration the shape of the boundary. For example, if the boundary is shaped in a square, you would need approximately 836 feet total.

Question: What batteries does the collar use?

Answer: The active collar (red strap and blue receiver) runs on Perimeter 6-volt batteries. Our stubborn dog collar (solid blue) runs on 7.5 volt collar batteries.

Question: Does it alert you if your dog gets out?

Answer: No, there is no alarm or notification at the transmitter if the dog gets out of the boundary.

Question: Can additional collars be added in the future for other dogs?

Answer: Absolutely! An unlimited number of dogs can be contained on this system.

Question: Do I need to be an electrician to install this fence?

Answer: No you don’t need to be an electrician. Hooking up your dog fence is quite simple, and doesn’t require any special skills to complete. All you need to be able to do is hook up 2 wires to 2 screws on the transmitter.

Question: Will the entire dog fence work if there is a break anywhere in the wire?

Answer: No it won’t. If there is even the smallest break in your dog fence wire, your entire fence is compromised, and an alarm will sound at the transmitter. This alarm means that if your dog is out in your yard, he is not protected and can get out of the fence. This is why choosing the right dog fence wire in the first place is so important.

Question: Can I run the wire above the ground, along a fence for example?

Answer: Yes, you absolutely can. However, it is highly recommended if doing this that you go with a Pro Grade or Max Grade kit that comes with a thick and sturdy cable to protect it from a potential wire break.

Question: Will a yard that has a lot of trees disrupt the dog fence signal?

Answer: Absolutely not. No amount of trees will interfere with the signal coming off of our eXtreme Dog Fence Wire.

Question: How many collars come with the kit and can I order extras?

Answer: One collar comes with your kit. You can add as many collars as you need by using the dropdown menu to do so.

Question: Do you have a remote trainer that works with your dog fence?

Answer: Yes, we sell a remote trainer, but it doesn’t use the same collar as your dog fence does. However, what you can do is remove the receiver from the remote trainer collar and slide it onto your dog fence collar, so that both receivers are on the one collar.

Question: Is there a vibration feature as well as a tone and a shock?

Answer: No, there is no vibrate feature on the eXtreme Dog Fence.

Question: Can I just wait until the spring to bury the wire? Will the wire be okay if there is snow on top of it?

Answer: Our Prograde and Max grade wire definitely sturdy enough to weather the elements. You can certainly wait until the spring to bury your dog fence wire.

Question: Does the transmitter need to be mounted in a temperature-controlled environment?

Answer: No it doesn’t. High or low temperatures are not an issue; however your dog fence transmitter can absolutely NOT get wet.

Question: How old does my dog need to be to use the eXtreme Dog Fence?

Answer: As young as 6 months old is fine. The important thing is that the dog needs to be able to understand basic commands.

Question: Can the transmitter be plugged into an outdoor porch?

Answer: Yes it can. However since it must be protected from moisture, it should be kept in a waterproof box, such as a sprinkler box.

Question: What is the twisted wire used for?

Answer: Twisted wire is used to connect the boundary loop to the transmitter. When used in this way, twisted wire is neutral and won’t correct your dog for crossing over it. However, twisted wire can never be used as part of your boundary loop itself.

Question: Does the dog fence wire need to be ran in one continuous loop? Can it just be ran on one side of the property?

Answer: Yes, as with any dog fence, your dog fence wire must be ran in one continuous loop. Yes it can be ran just on one side of the property, but a double loop must be created there, with 4 feet separating its parallel sides.

Question: Will the collars still shock with the rubber contact points covering the tips?

Answer: Yes, they will. The rubber contact points are metal-infused, so they are still able to deliver the static correction through them.

Question: How deep should I bury the dog fence wire?

Answer: 3-6 inches is recommended.

Question: In a double loop installation, can I put both loops together in the same trench?

Answer: No you can’t. The parallel wires must be separated by 4 feet, which means they must be buried in 2 separate trenches.

Weight 40 lbs
Dimensions 16 × 12 × 12 in


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