(16 customer reviews)

System Includes

  • Digital Transmitter – 10 Acre Capacity
  • 1 Waterproof Collar Receiver
  • 500′ of 14 AWG eXtreme Dog Fence Boundary Wire with a 60 ML polyethylene coating (color may vary)
  • 50′ of 16 Gauge eXtreme Dog Fence Twisted Wire
  • 50 Training Flags
  • 2 Pairs of Contact Points (1x Small, 1x Large)
  • 2 Professional Splice Kits
  • 1 Battery for Collar Receiver
  • 10 Landscape/Yard Staples
  • Pro-Grade Dog fence surge protector
Major Credit cards

If what you want is the best of the best, the eXtreme Dog Fence® MAX Grade Ultimate Performance system is right for you. This system gives you maximum performance and longevity. Our MAX Grade Kit features 14-gauge wire with a very hefty and durable 60ml polyethylene coating. Our MAX system is the high-end version of our other customer favorites, the eXtreme Standard and the eXtreme PRO Grade kits. You still receive all of our eXtreme dog fence components, such as our light and comfortable collar, quality surge protector and advanced digital transmitter.

The MAX difference is found in the quality of the boundary wire. Frankly put, it just doesn’t get better than this. Our MAX Grade dog fence Wire is so durable and strong that you don’t even need to bury it if you don’t want to. No matter if you decide to bury the MAX wire or not, it will still last you 25+ years.

Active collar

Professional Products for Home Installation of Your Dog Fence

How much wire do i need?

All our products were specially designed and manufactured with only the best materials. When you need 10 acres of coverage, a discreet dog fence, and a fool-proof installation system. Look no further than the eXtreme Dog Fence MAX-Grade System.

Every eXtreme Dog Fence is made in the USA with imported parts. You’ll be using the same grade of products as the professionals who install electric fences for a living. Without purchasing any additional equipment, you have everything you need to keep 1 dog safe on a 1/3 acre of land. We make purchasing additional boundary wire and receiver collars easy.

The eXtreme Dog Fence MAX-Grade System lets you install your dog fence exactly where you need it to be. You don’t have to deal with another company and the additional installation fees. Everything is at your discretion, and when you need help, our support team is at the ready.

Compact, Digital Transmitter Accommodates Multiple Collars

Our top-grade digital transmitter is the brain of the eXtreme Dog Fence MAX-Grade System. It runs on 7K or 4K frequency, covers up to 10 acres and includes and temperature and wire check. Although small, our transmitter is mighty. It can accommodate any number of collar receivers for households with more than one dog.

Benefits of Installing Your Own Electric Pet Fence

Besides the obvious benefit of keeping your dog safe, there are lots of practical reasons to buy a DIY electric pet fence installation kit.

  • Save Money: Hiring a professional installer can cost hundreds or thousands depending on the size of your property. By installing it yourself, you retain that extra money for your other “pet” projects.
  • Do it Right: You know your property best. Instead of attempting to have a stranger come to you to do an installation, you can do it right the first time.
  • Know How to Troubleshoot: Who best than the installer to call when there’s an issue? You are well-acquainted with where and how the pet containment system was installed. This means that you are armed with the knowledge and skill you need to deal with any troubleshooting that may occur years down the road.

Parts Designed to Keep Your Pet’s Safe

Contacts: The eXtreme Dog Fence Kit comes with extra contacts and training caps to suit your dog’s size and breed. Long-haired dogs benefit from our longer contacts. The contacts must be near the skin for the correction to be felt.

Digital Transmitter: Super compact and powerful, our digital transmitter can accommodate any number of dog collars. The transmitter should be located near an electrical outlet, but at least 3 feet away from large metal objects. This works well with our surge protector.

Surge Protector: Every kit comes with 1 power surge and lightning protector. The Extreme Dog Fence Lightning/Surge Protector is designed to provide protection for electric dog fence systems. Your fence wire will run through this unit as well as the electricity for the fence transmitter.

Collar Features

Digital Frequency Encoding: The digital frequency encoding is a handy feature if you think a neighbor may also have an electric dog fence. This tech feature eliminates stray signal interference from neighboring dog fence systems and other signal generating devices. Nearby dog fence systems and other devices that generate similar signals can interfere with your electric dog fence causing signal interruption or unreliability.

Small and Lightweight: The eXtreme receiver collar is one of the lightest and smallest collars in the industry. Weighing in at only 4.4 ounces, it is suitable for dogs right down to 8 lbs.

Comfort Contacts: The eXtreme receiver collar uses unique conductive rubber contact points to increase collar comfort for your dog. While the comfort contact points conduct the correction just like metal contact points, they are softer and less irritating on your dog’s skin. The comfort contact points make this system the number one choice for dogs with sensitive skin.

7 Individual Correction Settings plus a beep-only mode: The eXtreme receiver collar is capable of 5 unique correction level settings and 2 progressive settings that automatically increase as the dog continues towards the boundary line. Setting 00 is a beep-only mode for training. Each collar on the system has its own correction level but rather than being set on the collar itself, they are set at the transmitter. The unique correction level settings and lightweight collar make this a good choice for multi-dog households where all dogs are 8 lbs.

Battery Check: The patented Battery Check feature ensures you only change the battery when it is truly depleted. The Battery Check feature auto-activates every two hours to ensure you know as soon as your battery is low. Since battery output fluctuates depending on the environment and other factors the Perimeter collar requires 3 consecutive low battery triggers to set off the low battery indication.

Exceptional Waterproofing: Because the eXtreme collar does not have any buttons or dials on the collar itself, the waterproofing is really perfect. The collar can be fully submersed while functioning. Because of this feature we recommend the eXtreme Dog Fence for rainy climates as well as lakefront installation or yards with ponds or pools.

Disposable Proprietary Battery: This collar uses a disposable proprietary battery. Most people prefer a rechargeable battery, a generic battery is second best because it’s easy to get your hands on. The proprietary battery is generally our least favorite but does have its virtues in this case. The Perimeter proprietary battery has a pretty impressive 4-6 month lifespan. Its superior tech features include a sophisticated battery indicator that detects a true low battery so you only change it when it is depleted. For some people, a battery change every 4-6 months is preferable over remembering to recharge daily.

Pro Grade Electric Dog Fence Review

How to program your correction level

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Questions & Answers

Question: I have 1 acre of land. How much wire do I need?

Answer: You would need to order 1,000 feet of wire with your kit, since the wire comes in 500 ft. increments. Regarding a more specific number you will end up using, you would need to take into consideration the shape of the boundary. For example, if the boundary is shaped in a square, you would need approximately 836 feet total.

Question: What batteries does the collar use?

Answer: The active collar (red strap and blue receiver) runs on Perimeter 6-volt batteries. Our stubborn dog collar (solid blue) runs on 7.5 volt collar batteries.

Question: Does it alert you if your dog gets out?

Answer: No, there is no alarm or notification at the transmitter if the dog gets out of the boundary.

Question: Can additional collars be added in the future for other dogs?

Answer: Absolutely! An unlimited number of dogs can be contained on this system.

Question: Do I need to be an electrician to install this fence?

Answer: No you don’t need to be an electrician. Hooking up your dog fence is quite simple, and doesn’t require any special skills to complete. All you need to be able to do is hook up 2 wires to 2 screws on the transmitter.

Question: Will the entire dog fence work if there is a break anywhere in the wire?

Answer: No it won’t. If there is even the smallest break in your dog fence wire, your entire fence is compromised, and an alarm will sound at the transmitter. This alarm means that if your dog is out in your yard, he is not protected and can get out of the fence. This is why choosing the right dog fence wire in the first place is so important.

Question: Can I run the wire above the ground, along a fence for example?

Answer: Yes, you absolutely can. However, it is highly recommended if doing this that you go with a Pro Grade or Max Grade kit that comes with a thick and sturdy cable to protect it from a potential wire break.

Question: Will a yard that has a lot of trees disrupt the dog fence signal?

Answer: Absolutely not. No amount of trees will interfere with the signal coming off of our eXtreme Dog Fence Wire.

Question: How many collars come with the kit and can I order extras?

Answer: One collar comes with your kit. You can add as many collars as you need by using the dropdown menu to do so.

Question: Do you have a remote trainer that works with your dog fence?

Answer: Yes, we sell a remote trainer, but it doesn’t use the same collar as your dog fence does. However, what you can do is remove the receiver from the remote trainer collar and slide it onto your dog fence collar, so that both receivers are on the one collar.

Question: Is there a vibration feature as well as a tone and a shock?

Answer: No, there is no vibrate feature on the eXtreme Dog Fence.

Question: Can I just wait until the spring to bury the wire? Will the wire be okay if there is snow on top of it?

Answer: Our Prograde and Max grade wire definitely sturdy enough to weather the elements. You can certainly wait until the spring to bury your dog fence wire.

Question: Does the transmitter need to be mounted in a temperature-controlled environment?

Answer: No it doesn’t. High or low temperatures are not an issue; however your dog fence transmitter can absolutely NOT get wet.

Question: How old does my dog need to be to use the eXtreme Dog Fence?

Answer: As young as 6 months old is fine. The important thing is that the dog needs to be able to understand basic commands.

Question: Can the transmitter be plugged into an outdoor porch?

Answer: Yes it can. However since it must be protected from moisture, it should be kept in a waterproof box, such as a sprinkler box.

Question: What is the twisted wire used for?

Answer: Twisted wire is used to connect the boundary loop to the transmitter. When used in this way, twisted wire is neutral and won’t correct your dog for crossing over it. However, twisted wire can never be used as part of your boundary loop itself.

Question: Does the dog fence wire need to be ran in one continuous loop? Can it just be ran on one side of the property?

Answer: Yes, as with any dog fence, your dog fence wire must be ran in one continuous loop. Yes it can be ran just on one side of the property, but a double loop must be created there, with 4 feet separating its parallel sides.

Question: Will the collars still shock with the rubber contact points covering the tips?

Answer: Yes, they will. The rubber contact points are metal-infused, so they are still able to deliver the static correction through them.

Question: How deep should I bury the dog fence wire?

Answer: 3-6 inches is recommended.

Question: In a double loop installation, can I put both loops together in the same trench?

Answer: No you can’t. The parallel wires must be separated by 4 feet, which means they must be buried in 2 separate trenches.

Weight 40 lbs
Dimensions 16 × 12 × 12 in

16 reviews for eXtreme Dog Fence® MAX Grade Ultimate Performance System

  1. Keith Barry

    Hands down worth every penny. My boxer used to sit and allow the collar of our old system to just beep and could break the barriers. We upgraded to this system and it beeps once and she turns around. She has learned to respect her boundaries. Have had it 6 months and still on the original battery. I did upgrade to the stubborn collar. The wire installs easy. No fear of breaking it while installing. Put in almost 900 ft of wire. Install this system once and feel confident its the last time you will lay wire. I also noticed with the control unit it actually does keep a steady signal. My old system the boundaries would move whenever it rained or the temp dropped.

    • Kelsey Pangallo

      Hello Keith,

      We are so glad to hear that you are happy with your Max grade system! If you need anything in the future please reach out to us so that we can help you out!

  2. angela couch (verified owner)

    I have two Dobermans. One runs off EVERY chance she gets. And if a runner passes by, you might as well hang it up. She’s running. I bought a house in October on an acre and it had no fence. The fencing people wanted $10,000 to put a fence in. I decided to buy this system instead. I went down to the home depot and rented a hedger. My 75 year old dad dug the line, my daughter and I buried the wire in about 5 hours. I got the female the stubborn collar and my male the active. My female is super smart so she caught on right away and had it down pat in about 3 days. This is not usual so don’t think you’ll have your dog trained on the fence in 3 days. Do what the booklet says…..to a T. The male did not like his collar and was spooked to go out AT ALL. He was crapping on my deck! My female made him go out in the yard, taught him his perimeter, and in about 3 more days she had him taught on the fence. I currently have my female on a level 7 on the active collar since my male doesn’t even have a shock, just the sound that corrects him. They do NOT go past the line…….not one time. I will never get another fence again. Please take the time to train the dog exactly like the booklet tells you. And the customer service is awesome. You can call them about anything. I had to call them when I got ready to program the fence and the collars.

    • Kelsey Pangallo

      We are so happy to hear that your dogs are doing well with the system! Please if you need anything reach out to us!

      Kelsey @ Extreme Dog Fence

  3. Mater

    This is my second system and experience had lead me to better quality wire. Wire breaks with the 20 gauge drove me nuts on my first system. I had no idea that other wire would work with an electric dog fence until I found FLEXPETZ. The Extreme wire that came with the Pro Grade package is nothing less than amazing. It is like a small cable compared to the kite string 20 gauge. I was very happy when the Tech at FLEXPETZ told me there was an option to buy an American made electric dog fence. I assume all electronic are shipped from Chinese manufactures. Perimeter Technologies is actually manufactured in PA. This is a big deal to me. Anyway, this is a great system. Designed to last. Claud A. Austin, Tx Review by

  4. Gordon Swygert

    You wont be sorry. I have about 3 1/2 acres fenced with the Max Grade system. My lab won’t leave the area even when deer come through. It’s worth every penny you pay.

  5. Alexander Pierce (verified owner)

    to honestly start this review i must say i was involved in a head on motorcycle/truck accident which made install time take for ever.(double rotator cuff surgery, reconstructive surgery on left knee with broken tibia and fibia and tore acl. open compound fracture on right ankle and crushed t8 vertebra) finished in three weeks
    i did my whole yard 1 acre. i started by trying to bury the wire by hand. but because of my situation i chose to use a “buried cable installer” from home depot. i got it home and the spool was too big for the spool holder on the tool. i ended up using the tool to dig the trench around the yard instead. once the yard was trenched and i cut my lines through my driveway. i started to roll it out about 10ft at a time. i finally found that i could use a broom handle in the spool to lay it out through the yard. after getting it all laid out i held down with same broom handle and kicked the trench in on its self. got the system all programed and the darn thing works. i was very skeptical about this brand. but trust me when i say it works it works!!!! i have two American pit bull terriers, and four XL American Bullies SYSTEM WORKS!!!!!!!

  6. Alexander (verified owner)

    Since my last review got deleted…..
    This system works I was very skeptical about it. Just to be safe I purchased the stubborn system and 5 additional collars.
    I admit I didn’t follow the directions I went ahead and just buried the cable. Works great I have two ofrn apbts and four xl American bullies. They won’t try the boundary lines. Even for the occasional squirrel or dog walker. WONT TRY IT!!!! Trust me when I say it WORKS!!!

  7. Dexter (verified owner)

    Great product. The only issue I had was with the surge protector. When I installed the heavy-duty gauge wire that came with my order for the fence loop it pushed the contacts up into the surge protector. I opened the surge protector and snapped the contacts back into place and it worked okay. I don’t believe I overexerted on my initial try either. It seemed like the contacts were not seated very well initially. I think your surge protector would be a better product if you would use terminal screws like on your transmitter board for the wire connections. Other than this the install and the training work as designed. I am very satisfied with this product.

  8. Tyler (verified owner)

    System works sometimes I forget to put the collars on the dogs and they still stay back never leave it I put flags up showed my dogs once that was it 4 dogs on 3 acres in country good fence.

  9. Scott Rogers (verified owner)

    After trying and wasting money on wireless systems that didn’t reach near as far as they said, I decided to research in ground fences for my roaming Black Lab. The Extreme Dog Fence seemed to be overall the most complete, straight forward fence that would cover the distance I needed. Well it didn’t disappoint! I ordered 5k feet of wire with the Pro Kit and the stubborn upgrade. The set up is easy and the splices are easy! I had it layed out and was training my dog in about 5 hours, keep in mind about half of my loop is wooded. I highly recommend these fences if you are doing a large area, and I can only imagine small areas would be as quick as a snap! Thanks for a great product and a MADE IN THE USA!

  10. Jane

    Love this product! Highly recommended! I purchased a couple years ago and no problems. Live in northern Michigan and this has proven to be effective with all the snow and ice! Staff are very helpful and best of all, made in America!!! Thank you Extreme Dog Fence!

  11. Jeremy (verified owner)

    Scam. Put this up around 7 acres and never worked properly. Put it on 8 setting and dog didn’t even notice it. Most of the time won’t even beep. Just trained my dogs the old fashioned way. Blew around 7 hundred dollars total for this garbage. I warned you

    • Darianne Kimpel (verified owner)

      The collar setting could be the problem since a leve 8 is a progressive setting so the correction will start low and then get progressively higher as the dog stands in the boundary. The best setting to get the highest level of correction is going to be a level 5 that will be the stronget constant correction. If you have any other questions please give us a call at 1-800-305-6116 and we can walk you through the process and help you in any way that we can.
      Thank you!
      Call Center Rep

  12. Rebecca Fitzgerald

    May sound silly, but do I measure in feet for amount of wire needed, or acres? I wish to keep 4 Irish Wolfhounds in, so should I automatically use ‘stubborn” because of size??

    • Darianne Kimpel (verified owner)

      You will want to measure for your wire in linear feet to get the most accurate number for the amout of wire that you will need. When it comes to the collars I usually recommend trying the active collar befroe upgrading right away especially if your dogs have never been on a system before, because you can upgrade to the stubborn collar later for the smae price of the upgrade right off the bat.
      Thank you!
      Call Center Rep

  13. Carolyn (verified owner)

    This is a fantastic product! We are very pleased with everything! We purchased the kit and rented a dog fence installer machine to feed the wire through into the ground from our local hardware store. We marked out our boundaries and followed all of the instructions that were provided. We have 2 acres of yard and farm buildings that we laid the wire around. It took us about 4 hours along with the control box installation too. We worked with our 100 lb German Shepherd every morning and every night for about 3 weeks and he did so very well!!!! It does take some time to train but taking the time really paid off and we enjoyed the extra time working with our dog Ruger. He is doing just stellar with his new boundaries we could not be happier with this product!! We went with the heavier wire and are very confident that it will withstand the tougher conditions here on our farm. Overall with planning and use of the rented machine it was a great process!!!! Love our Extreme Dog Fence!!!!!

  14. Jim (verified owner)

    Very very helpful when having collar ( battery problems) they determined it was receiver so they sent one out right away.. They have a awesome work ethic. There is a ray of hope because if them. Very pleasant to work with!!!!

  15. Cameron Baker

    After being let down by Halo collars for our 2 Dobermans we bought the max grade system with hyper collars. I should have went with Extreme dog fence from the get go! The system is amazing to say the least. Customer service is top notch too! I had a question about wiring and called after hours. The next day at 8 AM they called me back to see what I may have needed! That’s unheard of from any other company! I fenced nearly 4 acres in one day and my dogs have been happy contained since!

  16. Scott Kremer

    I bought this fence 4 years ago when my husky keep getting over the current fence I had at the time. She has not even got close to this. Works great and is very easy to install yourself. All I can say is do it right the first time because it will save you money in the long run. Would recommend to anyone.

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